Professional Teachers Needed

Recruiting Preschool Teachers
Preschool Teachers and Caregivers

We are called to pioneer and run a professional preschool which is centered on Christian values, structures and systems. To achieve this, we are looking to recruit already certified or licensed teachers who will be taken through an orientation and training program in order to be equipped spiritually to carry out the wonderful works which the King of glory has purposed for little children.

Take a look at the following photograph.

The group above represent the “After School Satan Program” which claims to be an after school program project of The Satanic Temple, an American religious organization based in Salem, Massachusetts, and is sponsored by Reason Alliance LTD, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. It was created as an alternative to Christian-based after school groups, specifically at schools that host the Evangelical Good News Club. They claim the following “the program neither teaches about Satanism nor attempts to convert club-goers; they instead teach about rationalism and understanding the world around us. It is against the beliefs of the Satanic Temple to teach religious practice in schools, which is opposite to how the Good News Club functions. The Satanic Temple rejects supernatural beliefs and views Satan as a literary symbol of rebellion against authority, not as a supernatural entity.

What do you believe that the above group intends to achieve particularly since it is an alternative to Christian-based after school groups?

What does “teaching Satan as a symbol of rebellion against authority” achieve with little children apart from leading them to reject the godly authority of their parents eventually?

Lastly, how does the following video inspire you:

Ghanaian Member of Parliament, Sam George, exposes San Francisco Gay Choir Song Lyrics

This is an age of deliberately concerted plans to take Jesus and the bible out of schools and learning for little children. This is not the time for believers to continue to play indifferent or lukewarm with their faith or to refrain from transforming the education sectors and realms with the gospel of the Kingdom of God.

Paul Esuon Consulting is uniquely called and equipped to pioneer and establish a unique learning environment for little children. We are therefore carrying out this mission primarily for the salvation of the souls of little children, by instituting an inspired agenda of God for children, based on sustainable structures and kingdom systems.

If you feel a responsibility after reading this to join our mission as a professional teacher, we would like you to apply for the job using the recruitment form below, get trained and paid to genuinely work for God.

This job is located within New Achimota area, Greater Accra, Ghana.

Recruitment Form
This recruitment is for a divine educational mission called JESUS FRIEND OF LITTLE CHILDREN which is under the management of Paul Esuon Consulting. It is a legitimate and non-fictitious opportunity. Please apply only if you are serious about transformational education.

Your Details

We want to know where you currently live.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Kindly upload an upright portrait picture of yourself for security purposes. File size must not exceed 2MB.

Position Details

If all goes well with your interview, when are you available to start work?
Please indicate in your cover letter why you are interested in applying specifically for this job and what your ideal employer is like.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
For teaching appointments, kindly ensure your resume clearly indicates your teaching experience and the specific age groups, levels and subjects you have handled.

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Recruiting Preschool Teachers