Providing services to all nations and churches.
Paul Esuon Consulting (PEC) is an international christian organization with a divine mandate to provide services to all church denominations and believers regardless of race or culture; as well as to nations across all the earth.
Read about the pioneer’s vision and heavenly assignment, the true worshipers.
“Money and Working For God” is a new and vibrant series that provides training on the true and proper way of money and the work of God. The series attempts to address the common challenges which believers and laborers face (the called).
Please subscribe to @ttwmove channel on YouTube to be updated whenever a new video is published.
Marriage For The Called or MFTC for short, is a God-inspired independent vision designed to address challenges and opportunities in marriage for young adults, young ministers and couples; through conferences and dynamic content which provide direction to relationships, marriages and family life, in these modern times.
Through conferences and materials MFTC provides pre-marital and post-marital traditional and contemporary wisdom with biblical origin. By engaging in teaching, worship, prophetic declarations and discussions we aim to transform lives and marriages of young persons equipping individuals for healthy and purpose-filled unions.

Training is available for all who are looking to learn, grow in spirituality and become equipped as true worshipers; bringing transformation into the church, society, country and world.
In-Church Training

Digital Training
The e-Learning platform at provides free and easy access from anywhere to quality digital resources, and believers training programs which give you knowledge and understanding on the ways of God so that you can live according to God’s purpose and plans.

You may register to take online courses for free and begin your unique journey to become a true worshipper. Please use the button below to continue.
Testimonies From Training
Featured Publications

Get a free copy of “Sanctification Volume One: Secrets and rewards of holiness” in paperback or eBook format. This is manual for training and bringing believers and leaders into true holiness. The book is a pattern and blueprint prophecy for unlocking supernatural realms of glory.

LDPC Biggest Tests Volume One E-Book “The Hijacker”, first in a series announcing the biggest tests which God is subjecting the universal church to. How such a test can be from God and not the devil is clearly revealed as you read along.
Welcome to the website of Paul Esuon Joshua – an apostle and prophet, made not by men but by God the Father and Jesus Christ, with an assignment – “train singers in churches to be worshippers“; and a mandate – “wake up the saints, train and call them to work for the King of Glory, and to give the glory to Him“.
Statement From The President
The Kingdom of God is the largest employer in the universe; an eternal kingdom. Professionals in different spheres can find fulfillment by discovering and entering into eternal purpose; pursuing their callings and assignments in order to advance the cause of Christ. All who will partner with heaven in this season will enter into latter glory.
The King of glory seeks for people who will work for him. Work is a devotion, and this is exactly what worship is. To work for God is to serve God, and to serve or minister to God is to worship God. People who work for God must work for him at a personal level then, according to several abilities, because we have different skills, gifts, access to resources and intellectual strengths.
In recent times, working for God has been poorly packaged and presented as though those who are not clergy cannot or do not work for God. My message is very simple: to work for God is to work for the largest and most well-paying Employer and Monarch in all the universe, and it is actually a privilege. I demonstrate and prove this to anyone that I meet, because I am called by the Holy Spirit to do so:
The believers are asleep, they are sleeping too much; the work to do is a lot and the labourers are few. The King is coming for His perfect bride, and all of us must be carrying out our assignment, mandate, calling and ministry to be perfected. Wake up the saints, and call them to work for the King of Glory and to give the glory to Him, because it is a privilege to be in His employ.
Divine Vision: October 6th, 2017
God has called, sanctified and ordained me by His Spirit to help those who are called to startup, establish and finish a work or enterprise on the earth, according to the pattern ordained in the heavens. This is how Moses the servant of God was charged by Yahweh to lead the nation of Israel, build the tabernacle of congregation, and setup the Levitical priesthood. However, King Jesus, the Son of God and pioneer of our salvation is greater than Moses and has established a far better priesthood and habitation for God, in the body of every believer.
I was specially called to bring the body of Christ into maturity in certain areas: to become the spiritual house of God, not the physical temples. This is true worship: not in “Jerusalem” or on “mountains” , but in spirit and truth. When God receives credit (glory) for our excellence and works, we are giving him true worship. For this cause, I was entrusted with a torch and sword and sent by the eternal Father to expand the kingdom of God into various regions and territories of the earth with a revival that is an awakening to purpose.
God wants to establish ideas, enterprises and patterns that transform society, and I have been mercifully chosen to pioneer a global movement of the true worshippers.

Announcing a move of God
This video contains revelation about a move of God that must be received by Christian leaders in order to attain unto divine perfection, as well as patterns and blueprints for ministers and leaders in the local and universal church.
Radio and TV
Various media engagements here:
I received the authority of My King, along with His power to provide for the children of God that which is rightfully theirs in Christ, even that which the enemy has held back for ages: the inheritance of the saints in light.
Paul E. Joshua, February 4 2022